6 آراء

الأنشطة التي يقدمها الشلال

يوم ملئ بالاستمتاع والمرح في الشلال
إضاقة إلى قائمة الأمنيات
4.0 (68)
  1.3k التذاكر مباعة
26.32 USD
* للشخص الواحد


The park is incredibly amazing, with numerous activities you must experience. It lifts your mood, and there is also international food you can enjoy and make the most of your day. Overall, everything is worth trying.
Thank you ootlah!

Thank you very much. Everything was more than perfect, and it was a happy day.

اليوم رائع

شكرا لكم و ان شالله بنكرر تجربة جديدة معكم

اليوم بأكمله مذهل