Things to do in Qena Governorate

Things to do in Qena Governorate

Find out about offers, things to do, and exciting attractions to explore in Qena Governorate.

Things to do in Qena Governorate

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Frequently asked questions

When was Denderah temple built?

Hathor temple, which is the main temple in Denderah, was built by Ptolemy XII and completed by Cleopatra VII, around 54 to 20 BCE.

Why is Abydos an important tourist destination?

Because Abydos is one of the oldest cities of ancient Egypt, as well as one of the most important religious sites for ancient Egyptians.

When is the best time to visit Qena?

Like all cities in upper Egypt, it is better to visit Qena during the winter months when the weather is at its best.

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