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Discover your body with the swing dance

Discover your body with the swing dance
By Cairo Contemporary Dance Center 0 (0 ratings) Less than 10 Tickets Sold
Starting From
0.00 USD
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Lindy Hop is a free dance where you don’t focus on learning fixed dancing routines. You learn how to sense the rhythm and to predict small changes in the melodies in order to improvise in simple, unique ways that match the music! We are going to start each lesson with fun, energetic Authentic Jazz moves, to warm up our bodies and to feel the joy of Swing Music. In Swing Dancing, we learn how to pay attention to your partner's dancing - to follow and to lead basic movements. That means that there is more freedom for both partners to react to music in your own ways. We change our partners regularly during the class to make sure that we learn how to lead and follow and not only to learn a specific pattern. Don’t worry, we will do our best to make sure that our class is a safe space for both, leaders and followers. During the class, you will learn basic footwork: The six-count move and the eight-count move. These will be the basis of all moves that we are going to learn. If you are experienced in other (partner-) dancing or if you play an instrument this will be especially easy for you! we will make sure you will come out of the class energized and in a better mood than when you came into the class - Swing Dancing is the source of pure joy and fun, we promise!

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Starting From
0.00 USD
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Starting From
0.00 USD
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