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From lighting candles to unique costumes, Learn about Halloween
Culture October 15, 2020

From lighting candles to unique costumes, Learn about Halloween

It’s here, Halloween has arrived! Here are many ideas for celebrating Halloween, including costumes, candy, and food. But considering the world’s interest in Halloween festivities, have you ever wondered about the origin and history of Halloween? And manifestations of its celebration around the world.

Halloween Day

Halloween has become a day of activities, celebrations, candy, and gatherings. But what distinguishes Halloween from other events? Halloween celebrates the memory of the dead. Where the world celebrates, especially in Europe and the United States, it is celebrated at the end of October every year, and Halloween pumpkins are bought frequently and masquerade parties in which young and old people wear different clothes in the belief that they ward off ghosts. The term means “Holy Evening”, and was previously known as All Hallows’ Eve to Europeans. The name was shortened to “Halloween”, as we know now.


History of Halloween

The origin of this holiday goes back to 2500 years ago when the festival of Samhain was religious in Britain and parts of Europe such as Ireland and northern France. Halloween comes as a sign of the end of summer and the beginning of the winter season, believing that the advent of winter brought with it evil spirits, and Halloween traditions include tricks and wearing odd clothes and masks.

Halloween is associated in minds with the fruit of “pumpkin”, which is carved in the form of a terrifying face, to bring candles inside and is called the “Jack’s” lantern, in addition to disguising themselves in odd and different clothes and scary makeup in the belief that they will not be recognized by evil spirits.


Halloween movies

Speaking of commercial success, Halloween movies have a long history of being successful at the box office, as Hollywood has produced hundreds of Halloween films, including horror films, black comedies, in addition to cartoon films for children.


Halloween around the World 

Each country celebrates Halloween differently, these are the most prominent countries that hold celebrations that might seem legendary, strange, or funny:

– America is one of the countries most involved in celebrating Halloween, as Americans from various cultures decorate homes and streets with colorful and illuminated pumpkins and satirical games, and everyone old or young disguises themselves so that evil spirits do not recognize them. Children also move from house to house with bags and baskets to give them chocolates and candy in a ritual known as the “mother candy” trick, and whoever does not give children chocolate and caramel candy anger evil spirits.

They also have some games, such as the Apple picking game, which is one of the most popular games where some apples are put in a large bowl filled with water, and kids take the bowl alternately to try to pick up an apple with their mouths without using their hands.

– In Ireland, you can find fires lit all over the country, and these fires are lit outdoors and are traditionally used for celebrations. Children and adults often wear costumes,  which are frightening for some characters or ghosts. Then they move from house to house around the area, knocking on doors and asking people for food, usually cookies, chocolates, and candy.

– In Canada, it has distinctive rituals. There are food-related rituals, where they eat local apples with sugar and roasted corn, popcorn, and pumpkin pie or bread, in addition to the decor, colors, lights, horror stories, and more.

– Mexico sanctifies this day, taking it as an official holiday to celebrate. They put candles and flowers in front of the cemeteries, next to the pictures of their dead.

– Austrians do not differ much from other countries, as they celebrate by reviving some folkloric rituals, such as lighting lanterns in the homes to welcome the dead souls. Before going to sleep, they leave a plate of bread and water, so maybe one of the ghosts needs a snack.

– In Belgium, they light candles in memory of deceased friends and family. They also feel bad for black cats on this day, and they think it’s bad luck for one of them to enter your home or to cross in front of you.

From Europe and America to East Asia, China. Chinese celebrate Halloween by putting food and drink in front of pictures of loved ones from the dead.

– In Japan, the Japanese celebrate by wearing their favorite costumes, whether in the form of an animal, fruit, or a superhero character from cartoon movies. Then they go out to public squares to buy candy and enjoy the holiday in their own way.


Ideas to celebrate in Covid-19 

We know that the Corona pandemic has affected social life in general, and we are no longer able to celebrate events. It forced itself on people’s lives and changed many of their habits, behaviors, customs, rituals, and the way to celebrate their events and festive seasons.

So we provide you ideas to safely spend a fun-filled day with your loved ones while committing to social distancing:

  • Organize a photo session for the family. Choose a Halloween costume theme, and take some pictures for you and your family.
  • Create a simple indoor decor or decorate a tree for Halloween.
  • Apply light makeup for Halloween. You can watch makeup tutorials and try it yourself.
  • You can watch a movie about Halloween with your friends and family.
  • Ride your bike and go around the city in a Halloween costume.


An American man creates a candy tube to celebrate this day safely

 A man from Ohio decided to create a “candy tube” for his children to celebrate the holiday safely, and to collect sweets and candy to maintain Halloween rituals such as “trick-or-treat”.

He said that the candy tube, which had taken 20 minutes to prepare, was about two meters long, and he used tools and supplies in the house such as orange paint, black tape, and a cardboard tube. For candy, there will be a sign at the end of the tube indicating where to put the bags in order to collect candy.


Also read:

Different cultures: Strange traditions around the world

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