Inca civilization is an ancient empire, built by the ancient Inca people in South America, and was one of the greatest empires in the pre-Columbian era. Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, part of Chile, and Argentina were included in this land.
Their capital, Cusco, or the holy city of the sun, was known for its temples and high ceilings, which reached an altitude of 11,000 feet above sea level in the Andes.
Inca word means the owner or sole son of the sun.
The official language of the ancient Incan people was known as Rona Simi, which was never written but was orally inherited.
The Incas lasted about 100 years, and after prosperity, the empire was divided into two parts. Spain people seized the opportunity and invaded and destroyed the Empire.
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The government of the ancient Incan people put their hands on the ground to ensure the people’s livelihood and resources of gold, silver, and other minerals, as well as cattle, especially the Lama, which is one of the most important means of transportation in the Inca.
The Incas also excelled in agriculture, where they had experience in producing crops and cutting canals to bring water from the mountainous areas of the fields.
And they built bridges made of willows, which were bound with ropes and branches of vine. In addition, the Incan people mastered the cotton weave so skillfully that it looked like silk.
The people of the Inca have built a state of social justice, through the enactment of laws. Each family has a certain amount of land crop.
They wore their clothes and made their own shoes, as they used to imitate gold and silver as well. The elderly, the sick and the poor were being cared for by society.
The political life of the ancient Incan people was that the family was the main measure in the government divisions, as each of the ten families commander responsible to them in front of the captain, who oversees the fifty families and also participates in the government.
Inca has adopted a strict law that punishes every thief, liar, or lazy person.
The Incas built a social pyramid, the top of the pyramid representing the ruler, then the nobility came, then the general people, followed by domestic servants and slaves.
The king should marry his sister to preserve the royal blood. They are the goddesses who came from the sun god, and the queen was known as Koya.
Only the king has the right to grant the nobility the right of an additional wife, and this habit is still present among the rich forests of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and some Latin American countries.
Marriage at the Incas was built on numerical reproduction because of the need for many hands to help in work. It is customary for the Inca to marry at an early age between 15 and 20 years.
The husband has no choice but to be chosen by the family, leaders, or landowners. The groom’s family offers gold or precious stones as gifts to the bride’s family, while the bride’s family offers woolen clothing and stored grain.
Ancient Incan people appreciated women, as they played a fundamental role in the Incas, and depended on them in all aspects of life with men from agriculture, cattle herding, and raising children, but the absolute sovereignty of men remained.
The Inca was encouraged by the Inca leadership to worship “Enti”, the sun god, and imposed its sovereignty over the other communities.
Inca was known for building huge stone pyramids that were characterized by high accuracy and engineering perfection, bringing huge stones from the mountains to the forests.
The technique was based on the world in the Inca Empire, which was known as the carved stone. The blocks of stones were cut very precisely to match the provisions without any vacuum.
Inca’s civilization was built in the city of Machu Picchu or the mountain town, which was one of the best cities of civilization.
This city was distinguished from the other cities established by the Incas, and it became one of the most unusual places in the world, built on a high mountain slope.
Myths about the Inca have spread about how to transfer and carve the rocks with such precision. The legends said they got help from other planets, because they were known for precise geometry.
They came from sculptors who were not much known in ancient civilizations because the Incas did not have the opportunity to take from other civilizations In their area.
Ancient Incan people built sun temples and hanging bridges between high mountain passes and mountain streams, using ropes woven with metal on huge wooden scaffolding.
This system prevailed along the road network of the empire. It is noteworthy that these methods supported the mail system known by the Incan people, where young people used lama animals to transport oral messages banknotes, or property taxes, 250 miles between the winding mountain roads.
The nobility of the ancient Incan people used to wear heavy ornaments in their ears and therefore called the people with large ears.
The king was afraid of the magic of ordinary people hitting him, so for those who wanted to talk with the king, to enter carrying a heavy weight on their back, and enter crawling, and do not lift their eyes from the ground while talking with the King, and the King surrounded by his wives to clear the drool during the talk to prevent him from hitting by magic.
Also, the king carried on Hodge of pure gold, dressed in the finest wool. His feet were not touching the ground, but he was carrying a golden tiara with three falcons wearing a golden sun-shaped mask, a golden rope hanging from it, an ostrich feather hat, two golden rings, a leather cover, and woolen wool, Grape, and turquoise.
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