Scuba life Qatar

10 Reviews

Activities offered by Scuba life Qatar

Amazing diving day in Sealine beach in Qatar
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4.8 (27)
  423 Tickets Sold
143.52 USD
* per person
Great chance to get a diving license in Qatar
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4.8 (123)
  675 Tickets Sold
660.21 USD
* per person



استمتعنا جدا بالغوص و مشاهدة الطبيعة المذهلة

تجربة لا مثيل لها

الغوص من أجمل التجارب التي يمكن خوضها

November 11, 2022

انصح بتجربة الغوص من خلال موقعكم لانه ممتاز

nice trip but i wished it was for less price

Fun dives, great learning.

was happy to find a place to get my diving license in Qatar before my vacation, thanks guys, you're the best