Al-Qassim province is known for its rich agricultural history. It is famous for its wheat production. It also has a major role in the production of dates in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Riyadh to Qassim distance is 355.1 km. And it takes approximately about 1h 42m to get from Riyadh to Al-Qassim, including transfers.
مغامرة ممتعة مع الاصدقاء❤
تجربة ممتازة وممتعة
best place for kids to eat and play and it's safe to leave them
ممتاز المكان و كبير الولاد حبوه واسعاركم ممتازة
huge place for kids to have fun with their siblings and friends and it's also so safe and clean the staff there is so friendly